0181 Stables, Liverpool
Sympathetic conversion and extension of a former stables block to provide a modern family home in Woolton, Liverpool.
The disused stables were ancillary to the adjacent Victorian villa, and the re-development strategy for the site included careful consideration of new private site access and parking arrangements for both properties within their historic context.
The design adds a two storey, pitched roof rear extension to the former stables building to form a generous four bedroom house with private garden.
To mitigate the impact of complex site levels, the house layout uses an upside down living arrangement with bedrooms to the lower ground floor and living accommodation at the upper ground floor. The house is linked to the raised rear garden via a large south facing patio with a contemporary zinc clad sun canopy over.
The project was completed in October 2017.
Structural engineer:
Marston and Grundy
Caldway Homes