0100 Fox Corner Passivhaus

New build, very low energy dwelling in Stalybridge, aiming for full Passivhaus certification.

This bespoke new house is set in the side garden of an existing 1960’s bungalow on an estate cul-de-sac in Stalybridge. A simple storey-and-a half, pitched roof volume is designed as a contemporary interpretation of the adjacent 1960’s housing stock. The building uses quality materials that are complimentary to the surrounding material palette, with contemporary detailing to ensure that it clearly reads as a 2020 addition to the 1960’s estate.

The project has been designed to meet the Passivhaus standards, with Passivhaus detailing throughout. The building has been orientated with the majority of the large glazed openings facing south, and will be super-insulated and certified airtight below 0.6 air changes per hour. Triple glazed windows are used throughout, and the house is designed to use a small gas boiler and highly efficient MVHR system to recover waste heat. 

The scheme is for practice director Russell Bridge and his family. The self-build project started on site in autumn 2018, and is anticipated to complete summer 2020.


Russell Bridge (practice director)



